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Thursday, January 26, 2012



Most Americans live very hectic lives that can make it pretty hard to eat healthily. Working long hours, picking the kids up from school, taking them to practice, church meetings, family plans, etc. We live life in the fast lane, on the go so that’s how we eat “fast”. Why do you think fast food is so popular?

Now, as if it wasn’t difficult enough to make time to eat healthy now in this economy we have to worry about finances. Dollar Menus and $5 Value Meals sound like good deals but are they really??? I too fell victim to the dollar menu hype but then I realized I wasn’t really saving any money I was just gaining weight. Now with a little planning I’m actually eating right and saving money. Here are a few tips to help guide you:

1. Contrary to popular belief buying Organic is not super expensive. You can find organic products in your local health food stores. Safeway has an Organic Brand named O that cost about the same and in some cases are even less expensive than name brands and Giants has Nature’s Promise which is almost ALWAYS on sale.

2. Choose whole grains, beans, legumes and other fibrous food. When you eat foods high in fiber you’ll fill up faster and eat less therefore your meals will last longer. Saving you $$$ If you eat a bunch of junk food you end up hungry and have to buy more food.

3. Shop wisely. Stock up on sale items & buy your most eaten items in bulk. Buying store brand is also a good way to save a few dollars.

4. Believe it or not a home cooked meal is actually cheaper than fast food even the infamous “dollar menu”. A quick meal such as Spaghetti can be made in 20 minutes for less than $13.00. 1 box Safeway Organics whole grain pasta $1.89, 1.3lbs of Shadybrook Farms Ground Turkey 93% Lean is $4.49, Organic Spaghetti Sauce is $3.50, and a bag of Organic Frozen Veggies $3.00. Total Meal cost $12.88 for 8 or more plates. You can feed the family and still have leftovers for the week.  If you were to take that $12.88 to McDonalds you could opt for 2 value meals or 4 meals if you chose dollar menu items only. That’s less than half of the servings you would have if you cooked. Not to mention less nutrients and way more calories, sodium, and cholesterol.

5. Timing is everything! If you don’t have a lot of time to cook whenever you have some downtime cooks multiple meals at once so you have leftovers through the week.

6. Another problem my clients have is eating throughout the day. You have to constantly feed your body for energy and nutrients. When you skip meals your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to as many calories as it can to reserve for energy later. Also, when you skip meals you are more likely to overeat once you do eat. This soar in blood sugar can cause diabetes and weight gain. Pack your lunch including snacks: your lunch can be that left over spaghetti. Your snack can be fruit, Stoneyfield Organic Yogurt ($1.00 each), or even Nature’s Valley Bars $2.99 a box (it’s cheaper to buy the box than the individual bars)

7. Frozen Dinners are cheap & quick. Make sure that whatever frozen dinners you choose the daily value is less than 20% in sodium, cholesterol & fat. Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine, Organics by Safeway, Morning Star and Kashi are good choices. If they are not filling enough add nuts, an additional vegetable or beans as a side.

8. Plan your meals around foods that you already have. For example, if you have a can of beans at home don’t go out and buy ground turkey for the night. Cook a quick beans & rice dish. You always want to make sure you use what you have before they expire. Throwing away food is like throwing away money.

9. If fresh veggies and fruits cost too much frozen is the next best option. It is cheap and doesn’t lose as much of its nutritional value or add as much sodium as canned veggies & fruit.

10. Prepare for the grocery store: First make sure that you eat before you go to the store. When you go to the grocery store hungry “everything looks good”. You’re more likely to buy foods on impulse. You also need to make sure you have a list ready. Check out the weekly specials and plan accordingly.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cleansing Your System: How to Fight Colon Toxicity & Human Parasites

Its no secret that our planet is suffering, polluted air, global warming, massive natural disasters, epidemic diseases, you name it! Because of this we encounter toxins and disease every day. We must be able to fight!

Health isn’t just the absence of illness it is the ability to come in contact with such toxins and get back to homeostasis (normal). Your immune system must be strong but without a well functioning colon to remove these toxins from the body these parasites, candida (yeast), and other diseases just grow, take over, and wreak havoc on our bodies.

An unhealthy colon causes auto intoxication which is the self poisoning caused by microorganisms, metabolic wastes, and other poisons produced in the body. Due to American high fat, low fiber, sugar filled, white-flour based, canned and processed diets the majority of us have less than healthy colons. In fact the average American carries as much as 10-25lbs. of impacted fecal matter (old hardened leftover bowels) in his/her colon causing what I like to call the "Swollen Colon" or you may know it as the "Pot Belly".

The Royal Academy of Physicians of Great Britain claims 90% of ALL disease and discomfort is somehow related to an unclean colon. They identified 36 different poisonous substances that develop in the colon, are absorbed by the bloodstream, and spread to the rest of the body. These poisons impair normal liver, lung, kidney function and inhibit proper digestion. Experts believe there is a definite link between the ability of the liver and Parkinson’s Disease, Chronic Fatigues Syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

There are a wide range of symptoms making them very difficult to link, which include:

• Constipation
• Backaches
• Diarrhea
• Skin Problems
• Irritability
• Difficult Weight Loss
• Insomnia
• Hypertension
• Headaches
• Arthritis
• Distended Abdomen
• Chronic Fatigue
• Depression
• Frequent Colds
• Food Cravings
• Foul Body Odor
• Hemorrhoids
• Allergies
• Bad breath/ Halitosis
• Asthma
• Prostate Trouble
• Hypoglycemia
• Abdominal Gas
• Menstrual Problems
• And Much Much More!

The Colon becomes a breeding ground for parasites and candida overgrowth. Studies show that 85% of North Americans are infected with at least one parasite. Humans can play host to over 100 different parasites ranging from microscopic ones to tapeworms that grow several feet long. The parasites originate in the colon then migrate to other body parts including the liver, lungs, skin, muscles, joints, blood and even the brain. The most common sources of infection with parasites are insufficiently cooked meats, unwashed fruits and vegetables, travel to third world countries, contaminated water, mosquitoes, and pets.

Candida Albican is a parasite yeast like fungus that thrives in warm blooded animals. Under normal condition we live in harmony but when an overgrowth occurs a syndrome called candidiasis (yeast syndrome). Candidiasis has been proven to cause a wide variety of symptoms in every system of the body. Contrary to popular belief its not just a women’s disease, men suffer from it too.

Many factors contributing to the onset of candidiasis include the worst of all, overuse of birth control pills and antibiotics which destroy both the good and bad bacterias. We then loose much of our natural defense allowing yeast to multiply rapidly. Next in line would have to be sugars. Sugars feed yeast so it reproduces at an incredible rate. Candida is also sexually transmitted.

A single yeast cell can produce over 75 toxic substances that poison our body and danger our immune system allowing for outside toxins to enter our system. Since it attacks the digestive system food byproducts that aren’t excreted begin to attack the immune system, causing allergic reactions, and numerous other health conditions.

So how might you rid your body of these toxins? DETOX!!!

A good detoxification should clean both your blood and your bowels. You need to free your body of these creepy crawlers, yeast and strengthen your immune system. First rid your diet of everything that contributes to the problem. This means cutting out all processed foods, sugar, white flour, most dairy, fruit and veggies treated with pesticides, food additives, coloring and preservatives, alcohol, and caffeine.

Instead we need to eat diets high in fiber, nutrients, whole grains, oat bran, organic fruits and vegetables, brown rice, fish and soy products. Fiber supplements should be added to aid in cleansing, maintenance, and to remove existing build up. It can take anywhere from a month to three months depending on the level of build up.

Other supplements should include: (wormwood, cloves, garlic, and yellow dock) which help to combat parasites. Pau d’arco, black walnut and pumpkin seeds fight both parasites and Candida. Daily vitamins and minerals must also be included. Flaxseed oil is important in healing and preventing fungus from destroying cells. Digestive Enzymes aids in normalizing digestion and the breakdown of protein. Acidophylis is a key in restoring colon health it speeds up the intestinal recovery from antibiotic therapy, its effective in the prevention of constipation and yeast infections. It is the “good bacteria’. Organic unsweetened yogurt is a great source of acidophylis. A strong natural laxative such as Senna leaves may also be necessary in the removal of toxins, intestinal plaque buildup and parasites. A milder choice would be cascara sagrada bark. Drinking 8-10 glasses of pure, filtered water is essential with any detox program. Exercise also speeds up bowel action and encourages healthy elimination. Also 20-40 grams of fiber a day is recommended. Candida may take years in some people to clear up but symptoms should minimize quickly. During detox you may experience foul smelling stool, mucus, visible parasites, headaches, light headedness, and various other signs of the cleansing process. You will most likely lose weight.

Since a lot of the toxins get in your bloodstream the blood should also be cleansed. Add fresh lemon juice, beet juice, carrot juice, dandelion tea to your diet. Eat raw veggies, and veggie drinks made fresh with spirulina, wheat grass, spinach, and other green veggies. Add the following supplements red clover, cayenne pepper, goldenseal, kelp, burdock root, dandelion, and Echinacea they absorb toxins, stimulate circulation, and are powerful immune stimulants.

I know this sounds like a lot of supplements but lucky for you they come in packages now.


How will I know I’m done? You’ll know that you have succeeded when you move your bowel two –three times a day shortly after meals eaten. Elimination should be fast, complete, and easy. The stool should be light brown in color, long and large in diameter, fluffy in texture, and floating on top of the water. There should be no offensive odor and it should break apart with toilet flushing. You also shouldn’t need to use a lot of toilet paper to clean yourself.