Gym Talk with Killa Candise

Fun & Efficient Workouts, Recommendations on NEW
Activities & Events in the DMV Area, The Best & Worst Equipment, Exercises, The Latest Scientific Research, Weight Loss Tips, Muscle Building Tips, and much much more! You know “Gym Talk” ENJOY!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

How to Get a Good Workout at Home!

Recently my son started Pre Kindergarten and I swear this kid gets twice the homework I did at that age. Between his education, my education & this 10-18hour workday I’ve had to start working out at home. It has been a challenge but everyday I’m figuring out new ways to get in a good workout. When I was doing 2-3 fitness classes daily I couldn’t understand how my clients could say that they couldn’t make time for a 1hour routine but now I GET IT!!!! As a Personal Trainer who LOVES LOVES LOVES to exercise I couldn’t understand how my clients could claim that they couldn’t motivate enough at home to pop in their Beach Body Fitness Video or log in to & get their online personal training routine but now I GET IT!!!!

I’ve heard all of the excuses: I’m too distracted, my kids interfere, I’m too tired, not enough time, not enough space, I’m just not motivated! So through the holidays like most of America I went through a faze where I didn’t work out. Without the obligation of instructing classes, new business ventures & my new puppy it made it VERY easy to slack off! That 5 days felt like FOREVER but since then I’ve figured out how to keep myself motivated & get a good workout in despite all the distractions of HOME!

1. Make Your Health a Priority: It is easy to think about ALL that you have to do with the kids, your spouse, the house, business and the first thing to get lost in the shuffle is your health. Think it about it this way if you keep focusing on everything else but your body your body will take matters into its own hands. Now how are you going to take the kids to soccer practice if you can’t get out the bed. Treat your body like the temple it is and you’ll be able to get A LOT more done.

2. Accountability: It’s easier to stay focused when you have someone to answer too. So grab a family member, neighbor, or friend to partner up with. Even if you guys can’t work out at the same times call each other regularly to check on each other’s progress, tell your social networks of your goals so they can check up on your progress, join fitness sites like our My Active Profile so that you can log in your workouts and have a trainer actually evaluate your efforts.

3. Timing: Working out first thing in the morning is always best if you can. Not only do you burn more fat first thing in the morning but you are more energized & it sets the tone for your day. Studies show that people who exercise in the morning tend to make healthier dietary choices throughout the day. It may be difficult to start because it is difficult to get out of the bed BUT once it becomes a habit you’ll be fine. Another benefit is that if you have a family a lot of times if you exercise early the rest of the family is sleep.

4. Plan for distractions: First things first don’t let the distractions frustrate you. Many of us will quit after they get interrupted or if the kids are in the way but all you have to do is plan. I know my son & my dog are going to want to run the stairs with me so I put my dog in the crate until I finish my run then let him out. I play games with my son so he doesn’t run the stairs but when I get to the top I have to catch him before he gets to the room. It encourages me to sprint, keeps him entertained & I’m still working out. Instead of shutting the kids out of your workout it’s a great idea to make it a family effort. Try using the Wii or Xbox, going for family bike rides, and walks.

5. Limited Time: If you don’t have a full hour to workout don’t worry… something is better than nothing. DO WHAT YOU CAN!!! If all you have is 10 minutes then squeeze in 10 minutes. If you have limited time try to choose a workout using High Intensity Interval Training which means immediately following a strength exercise such as push ups do mountain climbers or plank jacks. The goal here is to keep your heart rate up throughout the entire workout so that you gain strength & cardiovascular benefits. You’ll burn more in limited time.

If you find time later to squeeze in another 10minute GREAT! When you break your routine into increments multiple times a day you burn more EPOC. EPOC is Excess post exercise oxygen consumption which means you burn more calories after your routine. Have you ever noticed after your workout your heart rate increases and you have to catch your breath? That’s EPOC your body works hard after your workout to get you back to normal. If you need a phenomenal 10-15minute workout visit

6. Limited Space: Who says you need a lot of equipment to workout? How much space do you really need if all you use is your body? Some of the most efficient exercises use your own body weight. Push Ups, Bicycle Crunches, Squats, Pilates, Yoga, Burpees, Jumping Jacks, etc all use your body weight as resistance. Ask Killa Candise to create you a No Equipment Workout.

7. Stay Focused: The most important aspect of working out at home is staying FOCUSED!!!! You have to be Determined. You have to Self-Motivate! Find a picture of you in your skinny jeans and put it on the wall or the fitness model that you see in the magazine, place motivational quotes all over the house to help keep you encouraged. If you need to scare yourself straight then put your doctors notes up or someone close to you that is suffering due to unhealthy behaviors. If you fall off one day don’t worry about it just hop back on the horse DON’T QUIT!!!


Thursday, December 15, 2011

5 Easy Steps to Boost Your Metabolism

Don’t you just hate those people who seem like they can eat ANY & EVERYTHING and never gain a pound. Some people are just lucky that way good genes= higher metabolism. Does this mean that people with slower metabolism are doomed Absolutely Not just means it will take a little more effort. There are several factors that affect our metabolism: age (as we age our metabolism naturally slows down), hormones, size, medications, sex (due to higher muscle mass men naturally have higher metabolism than women)

So what is the metabolism anyway? Simply put it’s the amount of energy (calories) our body needs to function daily. 70% of those calories are your Resting Metabolic Rate that’s the calories you burn during basic functions such as breathing. 20% of your daily calories burned is a combination of your physical activity (exercising, sports, walking, even maintaining your posture) & the last 10% goes to your digestive system it’s the amount of calories used to digest your foods. As long as your calories burned equals more than what you consume (eat) then you’ll lose weight. Other way around you’re going to gain!

So how do we make sure we’re eating less than we burn? Simple, GET TESTED!!!! Getting your metabolism tested is the best way to find out your specific caloric needs. In addition to learning how much energy your body burns at rest you find out how many calories is needed to nourish your body. In many cases it’s not that we eat too much that causes us to gain weight it is that we do not eat enough. When you do not properly nourish the body it goes into starvation mode and begins storing fat to conserve energy. There are several estimations online based on age, weight, height, but your metabolism is actually just as individual to you as your fingerprint. These estimations can be very inaccurate which can dramatically hinder your weight loss efforts.

To schedule your metabolism test visit:

Now that you know your caloric needs how you boost your numbers?

1. EAT. Food is fuel! We need food for energy & the mere act of digestion burns calories. You should eat small meals throughout the day at least 6 times a day. 3 larger meals no more than 400 calories each and several small snacks averaging 250 calories or less each. Skipping meals is the #1 worst thing you can do. When you skip meals your body goes into defense mode and begins to store fat in order to conserve energy for later.

It’s True!!! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. The hormone cortisol is at its highest in the mornings. When cortisol levels are too high for too long it can cause brain cell damage, oxidative stress, and the dreaded abdominal fat. By eating about an hour after waking you will decrease your cortisol levels & give your body the energy it needs to kickstart your day.

It is also best to choose foods that digest slowly such as lean proteins & high fiber foods which are great for sustained energy. Snack on healthy proteins such as low fat yogurt (preferably organic & soy), eat a handful of nuts daily when mixed with dried cranberries makes the perfect after workout snack.

Visit for an Excellent Weight Management Program

2. Get some rest. Sleep directly effects the balance between the hormone –leptin- which tells the body its full and –ghrelin-which signals hunger. When you are sleep deprived leptin levels are reduced and ghrelin levels increase therefore increasing your appetite.

An American Journal of Epidemiology study of over 68,000 women found that women who slept for less than 5 hours a night were 32% more likely to gain a significant amount of weight. The lowest risk factor was the group who slept 7-8hours per night.

You can also burn more calories at rest by doing some light –medium activity such as going for a walk or an hour of yoga before bed. Just make sure you do this at least 2-3hrs before bed so you don’t interrupt your rest.

3. Every little step counts. Move more=burn more. Burn more calories at your desk by sitting on a stability ball while at work, get up and stretch, walk around when on the phone, take the stairs, park further away so you have to walk further to get to work, and walk to your coworkers cubicle instead of calling.

4. Muscle Burns More Calories. 1lb of Muscle can burn up to 9times as many calories as 1lb of fat. Muscle is the hard worker and fat is the lazy cousin. So increase your muscle mass and boost your metabolism.

Many of my female clients are scared to lift weights for fear of bulking up but choosing lighter weights & doing more repetitions turns your body into a Toned & Lean Calorie Burning Machine.

Limit your cardio session to 30-45minutes. Doing long cardio routines will begin to use muscle as its main source of energy. You will burn more calories by doing short intervals such as varying hills & speed throughout the workout. You will burn more calories by splitting your routine into 2 20-30minute sessions which increases your EPOC (Excess-Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption) which is basically the calories you burn immediately following exercise. Your body must work hard to bring you back to homeostasis. The average person needs about 2-3hrs per week of strength training & 2-3 hrs of cardio.

Visit to find a boot camp & strength training class or to get your personalized strength training program


Check your meds. Several medications such as birth control & anti-depressants slows your metabolism and if that’s not enough they increase your appetite. So if you think your medication may be the cause of your scale tipping ask your doctor about alternative treatments.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Does Online Personal Training Really Work?

Let’s face it with the busy lives we lead today it has become close to impossible to work with a personal trainer. I have pretty much stopped working in person with clients due to both my & my clients busy schedules: school, kids, work, illness, family emergency, car troubles, traffic, travel etc. session after session would get cancelled, money gets wasted, and who wants to lose $$$?

Then I had an “aha” moment. Its 2011 and you can pretty do ANYTHING online… work, order food, shop, go to school, so why not workout with a personal trainer online also?

Not one of those cheesy, one size fits all computer generated sites that creates workouts based on minimal personal information and uses national standards. Choose an ACTUAL Certified Knowledgeable Instructor that takes into consideration YOUR TIME, YOUR ABILITY, YOUR GOALS, YOUR EQUIPMENT, YOUR TRAVEL, ETC. A real person to coach you through your workouts, monitors your food & workout logs, hold you accountable and push you towards your health & fitness goals.

You have to be careful because there are a lot of non certified trainers who not only pose as trainers but will recommend supplements & create nutrition plans without any formal training. It gives us passionate trainers a bad name 

So does online personal training really work?

THAT DEPENDS ON YOU!!! After completing a detailed fitness & nutrition assessment I personally create your individualized program. All workouts are Efficient using the Latest Scientifically Proven Methods to train your body. Now your job is to FOLLOW THE PROGRAM! Every time you log in a workout it comes straight to my phone so I’m always available to track your workouts, update your workouts, answer questions, etc. If you do not log in I will contact you to see what’s going on & to re-motivate you!!! I have seen EXCELLENT RESULTS!!!!

Is it safe?

Yes, the programs are just as safe as if you were home watching a fitness video. I’m not there to spot your form but you are provided with exercise demonstrations as well as detailed instructions & tips on performing each exercise. You can print the workouts and take it to the gym with you or even watch the routine from your Smartphone. The bonus here is the ONE ON ONE ATTENTION!!! If you have joint problems, limited equipment to no equipment, back problems, etc. I can create the workout for YOU!

What does your online personal training include?

Unlimited access to your My Active Profile, Interactive meal and workout plans that are developed specifically around your goals & schedule, recipes, grocery lists, over 2,000 exercise demonstrations, 1-on-1 messaging, community forums, support from your peers, mobile access & much more! All for as little as $7.50 a week.

Visit to SIGN UP NOW!!!!!